2 minute read

  1. Go to your github pages repository and find navigation.yml file in _data folder.
  2. Add or edit titles and urls following this form (I found out the wrong spacing can cause errors).
        - title: "Categories"
     url: /categories-grid/ # These urls is a link to the pages you will set up soon.
        - title: "Tags"
     url: /tags-grid/
        - title: "Posts"
     url: /year-archive-grid/
     description: "posts for each year" # shows when hover
        - title: "Search"
     url: /search/
  3. Now, make a new folder in your repo called _pages and create a new file naming category-archive.md or category-archive-grid.md if you chose to have a grid view of your posts listed under the categories. (file name doesn’t really matter. permalink is the one that you should match with the url in the navigation.yml file)
  4. In the file you create in _pages folder, write one of the following code to create pages of what you want.

     # For categories (in _pages/category-archive.md file)
     title: "Posts by Category"  # title of the 'category' page.
     layout: categories # layout can be changed to tags, posts, search, etc...
     permalink: /categories-grid/ # use this link to locate this file.
     entries_layout: grid # you can delete this line if you don't want a grid view.
     author_profile: true # set it to false if you don't want your profile shown in this page.
     # For tags (in _pages/tags-archive.md file)
     title: "Posts by Tag"
     permalink: /tags-grid/
     layout: tags
     entries_layout: grid
     author_profile: true
     # For yearly view of all posts you posted (in _pages/year-archive.md file)
     title: "Posts by Year"
     permalink: /year-archive/
     layout: posts
     author_profile: true
     # For Serach tab (in search.md file)
     title: Search
     layout: search
     permalink: /search/
  5. If you have YAML like this in your posts, you will be able to see “Github Blog” as one of your categories and number of posts you have under that cateory. How to post on github page
      layout: single
      title:  "How to Post on Github Blog"
        - Github Blog
        - [git, TIL, blog, github, jekyll, github pages]
